Going lefty

A great exercise to try is to try all the suburi after you switch hands. Try batto, and all the cuts, and for fun, chiburi noto.

Why you might ask? Cause it's funny. On a serious note, it does feel awkward but surprisingly many people their swing and hasuji become much more natural. This has to do with the fact that most people are right handed, so their dominant hand is on the bottom. Many sword teachers try to stress to relax the right hand (when it's on top), so if your dominant hand is already on the bottom, it's almost like you're forced to relax the top hand.

Another aspect is, when you swing the sword, it feels quite unnatural and some of the movements are skewed. However if you just ask yourself what's wrong and how to fix it, most likely you've heard enough comments on how to fix it that you can kind of fix yourself if you've reached a certain point in your training. It's almost like helping a junior in a way.

Have fun


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