
It's been half a year already. Time is moving so fast but most of the busy stuff has come and gone for now.

For those who don't know, this is a breakdown of some of the things that we have done this year.

Arizona Tai Kai - hosted by the Mizu Hi group led by Carl McClafferty sensei. It was great to see some of the west coast guys that I normally don't get to see. Ron came out as well and gave a good showing in the kata and cutting divisions.

DC Cherry Blossom Festival - As we go year after year, it's great to see the improvement that is being made by the members of the Capital Area Budokai members. Also Carl Jenkins new home is CRAZY. It was an amazing time followed up by some cross training for us.

White Plains Seminar and Shinsa - First to be held and hosted by the Genbukan dojo, it was very executed and had a bit of a different flavor to it. I was extremely happy by how well it was planned and that I didn't have to do anything other than come and teach hahaha.

Asian Heritage Festival - This is another one of those yearly events that we support and go help out with. We went out and did our thing after watching a tae kwon do demonstration that lasted like an hour. Also Ivan's first demo. Hilarious.

DC Swordfest 2011 - It was a great time as usual (aka bbq was crazy) but it was really great to see how much Michael Edelson grow in terms of teaching and demonstrating. I was also extremely happy that I got to teach a gekken seminar after swordfest and bbq. However I was extremely hung over during the seminar so it was a bit of a doozy! Why was I hung over? Cause I was into the brotherhood......the brother hood of the batto ring of POWER~!

Japan - Man I missed Japan. I missed all the dojo mates there, and the scenery. Family mart, and the training. It was also Kyle's first time to Japan so it was fun to see how all the things that are kind of normal to me still hold some surprise. We did quite well at the tai kai and it was weird for me being at the head guests table. I had to force myself to constantly sit taller, stand with more authority hahaha.

Orlando Tai Kai - A great tai kai, and a great time. It was interesting being involved in how to run an event like this when I grew up in the sword world being a spiker and cleaner. The New York dojos did extremely well and I was quite happy with the results shown (good and bad) because everyone put in so much pride and effort.

As you can see, this was a lot of stuff in the first half of the year. What is coming up? hmmmmm
Sometime Sept is Bakersfield Tai Kai
Sometime in Oct is the New York Comic Con demo
and Oct/Nov will be the Tri State Batto seminar and shinsa

Still got lots more to go but let's do our best to get through it. Time to take a nap, getting tired just thinking of all that stuff.....


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