
Who - Dan, Henry, Ron

Ron - worked on chuden kata 1-3.
a) for kata 1, remember to cut and stop at a horizontal leve. Not gedan but not chudan either
b) hand goes on tsuka on second step
c) for kata 2, use the hips and feet to cut. Nice and big, and no step on seigan
d) for kata 3, make sure the nukitsuke ends on the jaw line, 30 in and 70 out on tsuki
e) taught Ron kata 4. Don't step and cut at the same time. Step on seigan

Dan and Henry worked on cutting with flow....ex tsubame, inazuma, and gyaku inazuma

Ron -
1) kesa/gyaku kesa
a - remember to aim gyaku kesa coming from the left
2) Rokudan giri -
a - just work on working on aiming cuts
b - sui he could have been flatter
3) kesa gyaku kesa
a - if you're cutting gyaku kesa higher, don't raise you arms, but your hips

Henry -
1) Kesa/gyaku kesa
a) lift the land hand higher on gyaku kesa from the right
2) Rokudangiri
a) cuts were good, but some angles were steep
b) better hasuji needed on sui hei
3) Inazuma
a) not bad, make the final cut cleaner but otherwise very nice

Dan -
1) Godan giri
a) cutting too fast for such a heavy sword
b) must have hips down and set before cutting sui hei not before
2) Rokudangiri
a) not bad, angles could have used improvement
3) Inazuma
a) first cut first was good, now worry about the second cut

Sang -
1) Rokudan giri
a) kesa giri towards the left foot was kinda shallow on the 2 and 3 cuts, this could be due to bending the elbows during the cut. Probably cause i;m too close to the tatami
2) Kawasemi
a) need to keep hasuji on sui hei,
b) need to cut gyaku kesa at a steeper angle
c) the motion might be smoother if i keep the arms extended...i'll try it next time
3) Kaze guruma
a) first attempt I cut too low....
b) second attempt was fine

Cutting count
Dan - 3
Sang - 3
Henry - 3
Ron - 3

ex notes - we had a guest stay and watch


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