Feb 12, 2009

Who - Neil, Vincent, Henry, Kyle

1) vincent
a) for jodan, remember to stop the monouchi at your forehead height
b) for kesa and gyaku kesa, remember what you're cutting and REACH!
c) sui hei, use your feet and hips to transfer the momentum through the cut

2) Kyle
a) keep your head back
b) gyaku kesa throw it out from below
c) gyaku kesa's angle needs to be a bit steeper

3) Neil
a) stance is too narrow, it all starts from a good stance
b) sui hei's need to stay flat
c) starts cut from above your head, not in front of your face

4) Henry
a) dont start kesa from the side of your head, start from above your head

1) Neil
a) sword and body moves and stops as one
b) breathe out your nukitsuke
c) the transition between nukitsuke and kamae should be strong
d) strong cut. Do kata like you're cutting and cut like you're doing kata
e) keep your zanshin til the end
f) remember what these cuts do! target properly and cut accordingly
g) don't point your tsuka downwards when you start kata, it's extra movement you don't need

2) Kyle
a) Kata 2, the nukitsuke cuts the triceps muscle
b) keep your shoulders squared when doing nukitsuke
c) push nukitsuke with your hips
d) transition between nukitsuke and kamae should be strong
e) for kata 3, try to keep the kissaki close to you after the draw, tsuki straight to the heart. 30 in 70 out.
f) the *block called uke nagashi* should be strong with the habaki near the middle of your center line

a) try to not show the direction of your cut
b) use your body to cut and time properly
c) good strong kiai will help you push your opponent off balance as well as focusing your cut
d) even if you miss, your posture and form should be correct so you can react accordingly


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