
who - henry, ron, daiki, andy

Andy - work on kata 1, and started kata 2.
a) remember the order of things
b) don't grab over the handle, but push from under
c) don't look so top heavy
d) slow down, count it out
e) remember terms

a) on that first cut of tsubame or inazuma, cut downwards not to the side or you're gonna smack the tatami
b) use your hips and let the sword do it's thing. Dont force it

Daiki - worked on shoden kata with Henry

Henry - 3
Ron - 3
Daiki -3
Sang - 3

We cut tai kai style, 2 people up at a time against each other

Sang -
1) Gyaku nukitsuke + inazuma
a) missed 3rd cut on inazuma because tsuka caught in sleeve, this could be because i was too close to the tatami

2) Kawasemi
a) okie!

3) Kaze Guruma
a) raise the right knuckles more and cut farther out

4) Tombo
a) must turn right hand to get better hasuji

Ron - 100
Daiki - 100


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