
Who - Julie, Toshi, Henry, and Greg


myself - did suburi with tsuburito. Testing out leg, which is better now

Henry worked with Julie, and Toshi so I'm going to let him comment

a) toshi san needs to straighting his back and not lean forward so much
b) julie san needs to work on her drawining at the start of the kata drawing*
c) for kumitachi, they need to remember that they need to following the timing of the uchidachi
d) also, dodging and cutting is very important
e) also for julie, she needs to try not make her stance too long when she moves forward

greg - suburi
a) remember the 8 stances
b) relax
c) remember to throw the tip out, the sword should be perpendicular to the target by the time it makes contact
d) feet should be shoulder wide
e) left hand power, right hand guides


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