Oct 13, 2008

Who - Toshi, Andy

Suburi Kata

Andy - Kata
a) cut like you mean it
b) keep your head back
c) keep your shoulders squared
d) In kata 3, after you tsuki, don't stay there for too long
e) For kata 2, the nukitsuke should be for the fleshy part of the arm not the elbow or shoulder
f) Kata 4, the one handed kesa should be far and out, but still a kesa

Toshi - Kata
a) shoulders squared
b) cut out and far
c) seigan should be a big motion
d) in your stance, you should not be able to see your toes of your front foot.
e) head and shoulders back
f) relax
g) no saya noise.....

received 100 dollars from andy


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