1/3/08 First Class of the New Year

Who - Andy, Dan, Ron

Andy learned Toyama Kata 1
a) Smooth transition in nukitsuke, push with the hips
b) remember where the target of the first cut is
c) loud strong kiai
d) 3 second count after seigan, chiburi, noto

Dan and Ron worked on Kumitachi
Kumitachi 1)
a) remember to know your distancing, if you step back too far, you can't come back in
b) as uchidachi, you have to attack as if to genuinely hit the guy

Kumitachi 2)
a) remember tension

Kumitachi 3)
a) Move forward and to the side
b) finish diagonal of the opponent's center line

Ron paid - 100
Received Andy's dues

Happy new year


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