
Who - Andy

Conditioning day!!!
Tsuburito work out!
a) Seated jodan x 30
b) wrist lift each hands x 20
c) wrist curls x 10 each hand
d) spring ups x 40
e) lunges x 3 laps
f) hasso walking x 3 laps

Kata -
ipponmae -
a) reach out to cut
b) point with tsuka to cut
c) make sure your stance is sturdy

nihon mae -
a) make sure you remember where your target is
b) reach out and cut
c) seigan should be nice and slow
d) during noto is when you're most vulnerable, make sure you get your sword in position to be able to counter as soon as you can

a) 3 step leading to the draw should be out and and to the side
b) the kissaki then should be kept close to your body when you thrust
c) the parry should go straight up leading with the kissaki and the habaki should be near the center line


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