
Who - Henry, Andy, Ron

Henry worked with Andy on suburi

For Ron -
Chuden kata ippon mae
a) Nukitsuke-kissaki should be a bit higher than the hand
b) try to make your steps even
c) cut big!
d) try not to lean in when you do nukitsuke
nihon mae
a) no step on seigan
b) bigger cut, smoother
sanbon mae
a) reach out for the nukitsuke
b) bigger movement when going up to jodan
c) knuckle over head when you do chiburi
yonhon mae
a) on nukitsuke, try to imagine where your target is
b) keep your steps even
c) big cut on that final step
d) big gedan
e) step with the seigan
gohon mae
a) look before you cut
c) try to stay still when performing noto

Notes for Andy
Toyama Kata Sanbon mae
a) Step out and diagonal for the 3rd step to create a nice stable stance for the tsuki
b) tsuki shouldn't be too high
c) 40% in 60% out
d) make sure that block is good, if the enemy is gonna put his life into that cut, you better put that life into that block

a) all about tension...
b) get out of the way!

Extra notes
HA I updated the notes on the same night! muahahahahaha


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