
Who - Daiki, Henry, Greg, Julie, Toshi, Lillian phew!

For kihon practice ----> (Julie, Toshi, Lillian)
a) When you perform noto, try to keep the tsuka leveled to the floor. Do not make big motions with the tsuka
b) When you perform batto, your left hand should be waiting for the sword when you finish drawing
c) In seigan, keep your shoulders and chin back, and extend the sword a bit. This kamae should be "big"

For kihon practice ----> (Greg)
a) When you cut, keep the image in your mind where the sword is cutting.
b) EXTEND!!! REACH!!!!
c) Kesa giri should stop knee high, and the point should be close to the line of your back foot
d) Gyaku kesa should stop at parallel with the floor and the point pointing at the enemy between the eyes
e) Try to keep in mind why you cut sui hei at the level that you're cutting sui hei, it'll help keep form

For Nukitsuke practice -
a) When you finish nukitsuke, your shoulders should be squared towards the target
b) Don't lean forward too much during the draw, it should be a natural movement
c) Push the hip forward, that's the source of power for your cut
e) ki ken ta ichi

For Kata
a) natural movements forward, no robo walking, and no bobbing up and down
b) Make your cuts BIG and reach!
c) in seigan, you should be BIG
d) remember and focus on the timing, nice and slow, with focus
e) always keep the tension in kata


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