
Who - Lillian, Julie, Toshi, Greg, Henry, Dan

Dan helped Greg with basics including grip, stance and how to bow in and bow out

Henry helped Lillian with a reiteration of the basics as well as going over Shoden Kata 1, and taught Shoden Kata 2

I worked with Toshi san and Julie san

Toshi -
a) relax
b) try to keep both shoulders even during batto chiburi noto
c) when going into iai goshi, please walk into it naturally instead of sinking down too deep
d) when doing noto, keep the tsuka as level as you can while performing noto
e) slow down, create tension

a) relax
b) don't hop
c) swing big and loose
d) gyaku kesa needs to be soft but precise
e) keep your shoulder heights even
f) sui hei needs to be one smooth motion

Ippon mae -
a) Draw on the first step, keep the sword where it's at and step under it for the second step
b) Jodan is too straight up, the blade should be at a 45 degree angle
c) cuts need to be big and relaxed
d) seigan should be big and strong yet soft

Nihon mae -
a) Make sure gyaku kesa is a big cut with the kissaki not ending too high
b) 3 second pause when you step back into jodan, and big slow movement back into seigan

a) relax
b) keep your head back
c) noto takes practice, and eventually with a shorter sword, it'll be much easier
d) chibrui needs to be leveled and pointing forward

Suburi -
a) try to stop the cuts by keeping your elbows against your ribs, it's gonna hurt your elbows after awhile if you don't
b) always imagine what and where you are cutting during suburi, it'll help fix the cut
c) please watch your grip, the sword is moving around too much during when you swing the sword
d) sui hei is near hip level
e) do not lean forward when cutting, your shoulders should be down and relaxed!

Kata -
ippon mae
a) Draw on the first step, step under it into jodan on the second step
b) step back into seigan
c) bigger cuts!
d) no hopping when you cut

nihon mae -
a) strong jodan kamae, need to put forth strong pressure
b) swing the sword like you're cutting, with intent!
c) after going into jodan kamae, hold it for 3 seconds, and then slowly step back into seigan

Lillian -
a) try to stay calm, there's alot of nervous energy being put forth
b) keep your chin back
c) reach out and cut !

Dojo dues -

Extras - we welcome a new guy! Had pizza, cake, and beer after! good times


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