
Who - Henry, Andy

Henry worked with Andy on Toyama Kata 1-3, and Shoden kata 1
Toyama Kata 3 -
a) Try to keep the tsuki close to your body as possible. If it goes outside it'll miss the opponent entirely
b) You shouldn't have to put that much effort into the tsuki, the sword is point so it won't take that much effort
c) before you actually tsuki, make sure the point is facing the opponent!

Worked on Kuji kiri with Henry
the cuts go in this sequence
a) gyaku kesa nukitsuke
b) Kesa to the left
c) gyaku kesa to the right
d) Uke nagashi to the left
e) kesa to the right
f) gyaku kesa to the left
g) gedan
h) gedan
i) tsuki
j) gedan

remember to suriashi with each step

Finished off class with
a) hasso walking
b) cutting lunges
c) and dragging lunges

Dues paid


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